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In Moscow from 8 to 11 April 2019 is XXVI Russian national Congress "Man and medicine"

10.04.2019 | Number of views: 4530

Человек и лекарство

In the work of the Congress was attended by a delegation of experts from the INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia "MRCB" composed of:

Russian national Congress "Man and medicine" is a representative medical Forum, which is held at the site of the world level that allows the television and Internet broadcasts of many scientific events.

The Congress brought together leading scientists and experts in the field of healthcare, practitioners from different regions of the country, heads of relevant agencies, young scientists and students for a serious discussion of topical issues in medical science and practical health care.

Congress organizers - Ministry of health, Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian medical Academy of postgraduate continuous education, National society of improvement of doctors named after S. P. Botkin, the National Internet society of specialists in internal medicine.

A distinctive feature of the Russian national Congress "Man and medicine" is an interdisciplinary perspective on the problem polimernogo patient from the point of view of the principles of evidence-based medicine.

During the Congress an exhibition of medical organizations with the best practices, which took part of GBUZ RM "MRCB". Stand hospital visited the main specialist of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation on medical PRopractice Drozdova Lubov, chief specialist on palliative care of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation Nevzorova Diana Vladimirovna, main specialist of Ministry of health of the Russian Federation for children's palliative care, Polevichenko Elena.

Chief specialist of the Ministry of health therapy and therapeutic practice Drapkina Oksana Mikhailovna was awarded the diploma of the participants of the exhibition. Congress delegates received an amazing opportunity to get new information from leading scientists and clinicians of our country. In addition, had the opportunity of direct informal communication, when you can ask question, discuss problems and get advice about the tactics of a doctor in difficult clinical cases.

Program of the XXVI Russian national Congress "Man and medicine" (download)

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