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In Mordovia performed more than 700 IVF procedures per year

17.09.2019 | Number of views: 2410


Every year in our Republic procedure of in vitro fertilization becomes more in demand. Talking about this statistics is that at the round table of the Public chamber of the Republic of Moldova, dedicated to improving the demographic situation in the region, led by the Deputy Minister of health Natalia Yudina. In Mordovia procedures of infertility treatment in which the emergence of new life, as the first few days of life of the resulting embryos undergo "in vitro", have been available since 2007. During this time, the volume of provision of IVF treatment has increased by 11 times. In 12 years, thanks to the ECO in the region were born 1234 of the child. This year alone conception in the "test tube" helped 108 couples to become parents.

- If in 2007 in the Republic was carried out 65 IVF procedures, but now the figure is more than seven hundred procedures per year. In addition, in Mordovia increased the effectiveness of IVF with 27%. Today, 37% of procedures end with a pregnancy - said Natalia Yudina.

It was noted the availability of the IVF procedure in Mordovia Republic in comparison with other regions PFO. In the Republic no queues at conception in a "test tube", as for example, in Tatarstan where for this free procedures line up thousands of women. Each of them gets to the procedure only a few years after the initial appointment.

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IVF, or in vitro fertilization – the procedure of infertility treatment in which the emergence of new life, as the first few days of life, the resulting embryo takes place outside the female body, as they say, "in vitro". To date, ECO is considered one of the most effective ways to treat both female and male infertility.



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