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Today: 06.05.2024 г.

The head of Mordovia Vladimir Volkov: "the Best thing each of you can do now is stay home,"

14.04.2020 | Number of views: 2666

Dear inhabitants of Mordovia!

The situation with the spread of the coronavirus is now of concern to all of us. So I want you first to know all the accurate information about what is happening in our country.

Unfortunately, we have the first tragic news in the infectious diseases hospital, the patient died with the diagnosis of coronavirus infection. It is very hard news for all of us. And, first of all, I want to Express my deep condolences to the family of this person and can assure you that we will provide all necessary support. The exact cause of death will be established by physicians because the disease was in the background of severe chronic diseases. The doctors fought for the life of the patient till the last.

I consider it necessary to mention another fatal case, which could potentially be associated with a coronavirus. In the infectious diseases hospital and died an old woman with pneumonia. We sent her for tests at the Moscow laboratory, now waiting for their results. Insights can be done later, yet there is no confirmed diagnosis.

The main thing now – to stop the spread of the coronavirus in the territory of Mordovia. We can already see what the result of the negligence of one person. I'm talking about a foreign student who brought the infection in a University dormitory. As a result, within a week the number of confirmed cases in the country increased almost 10 times – up to 58 cases, 19 of which are students of one of the University dorms.

Therefore, I appeal to each of you, every resident and guest of Mordovia. Without your help, without solidarity and discipline to fight the threat impossible. Stop thinking that the coronavirus is not about you! He does not choose by category and doljnostYam, he has no unreachable distances. The virus is already in Mordovia, it must all be sober.

Was the first week since, when a number of our businesses and organizations has resumed its work. We have taken this step in order not to bring down the economy of Mordovia, to save jobs and people's incomes.

But, unfortunately, not all correctly interpreted this signal to both businesses and citizens. We have many examples of violation of sanitary norms by the employers. I'll say more about that. At the same time appeared on the streets a lot more people, parents with children, students and pensioners, citizens in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

Want all realized the danger increases, and the peak of the disease has not yet arrived! The most difficult will be the next two to three weeks.

Therefore, in order to prevent a sharp deterioration of the epidemiological situation in the Republic of tightened measures to ensure the regime of high alert and imposed additional restrictions. I want to explain my decisions.

First. I said, we have examples of organizations who ignore the rules of epidemic safety. Ranging from violations of sanitary norms to the illiterate mode of organization of labor. Moreover, these facts are even in large industrial enterprises.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned businesses from the temptation to write off all the flaws in the work on coronavirus infection. I repeat the message of the President, and want to be heard by all heads of enterprises and organizations.

As an example, the agricultural sector, in particular agro holding "Talina". First, they provided their employees and members of their families all means of protection – masks, gloves, disinfectant solutions. Stock this is 3 months. At the same time "Talina" has decided the long-term issues. Before quarantine, the company purchased from foreign partners, all the necessary components, raw materials, everything you need to complete the work six months ahead. Who prevented the enterprises of industry, construction, trade and prepare accordingly?

At the same time we see in commercial networks are not implemented basic preventive measures do not respect social distance, queue, and many workers work without safety equipment.

Only in the last 3 days of the verification of compliance with legislation passed more than 650 commercial and industrial facilities. Some outlets we have already closed, many are quickly corrected the violations. But we will continue screening activities. To this end, the authorized body – Ministry of economy, trade and entrepreneurship, which is entitled to draw up protocols and penalize violators. In the future we will immediately close down businesses that fail to comply with Decrees of the President of Russia and the head of the Republic, the requirements of the chief sanitary doctor. Inspections will continue until, while in Mordovia there is a regime of high alert.

Second. Given the fact that today in Moscow and Moscow region for at least a week, stopped work for almost all businesses and organizations, we expect a second wave of immigration. I have already said, the main threat to the epidemiological safety of the Republic now are citizens who come from large cities and regions with a difficult situation for the coronavirus.

So I decided to tighten the regime of movement and residence on the territory of the Republic. Anyone who enters Mordovia any form of transport, will result in the resolution of the chief sanitary doctor. It requires a person to undergo a 2-week quarantine at home. And in isolation fall by his family members, relatives, friends, all of with whom he resides or in contact. In case of violation of this requirement will take measures of administrative and criminal liability.

Third. To fulfill this rethe solutions exhibited a special round-the-clock posts at all entrances to the Republic, organized control at the airport and at all railway stations. The technical side of the question provide employees of the interior Ministry, traffic police, of the linear police Department on transport of Regardie. Control the isolation of arrivals of citizens for local self-government bodies, heads of municipalities.

I stress that the measures we have taken will facilitate law enforcement task to punish citizens who violate the isolation.

From prevention and persuasion MIA moves to the actual fines and protocols, compliance with strict discipline on the streets of our towns and villages.

Fourth. I instructed the administration of Saransk, the heads of districts and rural settlements strengthen the work of disinfection in their territories, public transport, markets, railway and bus stations, in all places of visit and stay of people. In Saransk, we have started to process a special solution stop streets, entrances, local area, and dorms. Opened a car wash, where citizens can disinfected personal transport. Their number will increase, and this service should become available in the areas. We need to be proactive, learn to live and work in the prevailing conditions, and not wait for orders, and regulations.

Fifth. I know that many people are now concerned with the question of the celebration of Easter. I receive a large number of references on this topic.

And here we have also taken several difficult but necessary decisions. Namely, from April 10 to close to visit all the cemeteries of the Republic, with the exception of conducting the funeral.

In addition, during Easter week, including during the Easter service, the access to the temples is allowed only to the clergy. Even the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill urged the faithful to stay at home and pray at home. For all residents of the Republic will be broadcast live worship services from the Cathedral AtSakova, it will be conducted on 4 channels. A number of Central churches of Armenia will organize an online broadcast on the Internet. Modern technology does not alienate, but in the current situation, on the contrary bring the occasion to people.

I ask all believers to be sensitive to these decisions, they are dictated exclusively by concern for the health and safety of citizens.

The Lord supports us in combating the epidemic. But we must be prudent. To do so, not to overshadow the light holiday new outbreaks of the disease. The same applies to the tradition of "triple kiss" and gather eggs.

I ask all parents and grandparents to act reasonably, and not put the health of their children clear of danger. This is our duty, the primary responsibility before God.

Dear residents and guests of Mordovia! The best thing each of you can do now is to stay at home to work remotely, to limit social contacts to call their relatives, and grandparents and provide them with everything necessary.

I'm sure we have enough strength, patience, responsibility and organization, in order to survive these difficult times. How quickly we can return to a normal life, depends on each of us.


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