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Today: 04.05.2024 г.

Coronavirus infection

12.03.2020 | Number of views: 2100

Dear citizens!

The Ministry of health of the Republic of Mordovia, given the difficult epidemiological situation of novel coronavirus infection in the world and the possibility of its importation into the Russian Federation urges to drop in the near future from trips to European countries, Southeast Asia and the Middle East, primarily in China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, France, Germany, Spain. The list of troubled countries is constantly expanding.

If You, Your close relatives or friends within the last 14 days visited the above mentioned regions and countries, the Ministry of health of the Republic of Mordovia kindly asks to report it by telephone "hot line" 8-800-100-46-60 or call the house doctor of the territorial polyclinics.

Please note that in cases returning from affected new coronavirus infection of the regions and countries in the presence of symptoms of acute respiratory infections (colds) the Ministry of health of the Republic of Mordovia urged to remain calm, to stay at home, immediately report their illness to the hotline - 8-800-100-46-60, or call the doctor of a territorial polyclinic at home.

On the fact of application for medical assistance on the above situations, You will be evaluated for novel coronavirus infection, avoid complications of health and reduce the risk of infecting loved ones, family, friends.

The Ministry of health of the Republic of Mordovia hopes for understanding and assistance in conducting anti-epidemic measures. Thank you!

The number of cases of infection with coronavirus COVID-19 on March 11, 2020 (PDF)

About coronaviruses infection (PDF)

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