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Easy on the heart: the modern medical technology to save lives in Mordovia

24.03.2020 | Number of views: 2440


A number of important tasks in the message of the Head of Mordovia faced with health workers. One of the priorities for physicians - reduced mortality from cardiovascular disease, including in areas of the country. As the Message says, in Mordovia need "to involve the possibility of a new cardiological dispensary Department, which in February opened on the basis of the Republican hospital. Necessary to consolidate its specialists in all areas, greater use of telemedicine and retreats".

Telemedicine for areas

Clinical cardiology Department (also called cardiac study), which reads the Message open at the Advisory polyclinic of Republican Central clinical hospital.

The Department created specifically in order to provide expert assistance to medical organizations of Saransk and Mordovia regions, says its head of Elena bonder. - General practitioners and cardiologists send their patients to us for diagnosis, correction treatment to resolve the issue of the coronary angiogram (most accurate and reliable diagnosis of coronary heart disease). If necessary, we hospitalization of patients in an emergency or in a planned manner.

One of the tasks of physicians cardiology office - to monitor the status of patients after high-tech heart operations: a month later, six months and a year.

Created registries of patients who received high-tech medical care in the profile "cardiovascular surgery", - says Elena bonder. - These people are taken on dispensary registration. Now it consists of more than 600 people. To record and analyze data on the health status of patients implemented an information card dispensary observation. We're calling people, invitingeat them for examinations. Our objective is the prevention and prevention of complications and exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases.

Twice a week, Elena and her colleagues are traveling in those areas of Mordovia, where their cardiologists. In district clinics they examine their profile patients. But not forgotten and telemedicine.

We compiled and executed the schedule telemedicine consultations, - says the head of the cardiology service. - Doctors from districts regularly turn to us for professional advice.

- The inhabitants of Saransk and districts of the Republic must know that we have available to them a free, modern, high-tech medical care - emphasizes Elena. And they can apply for it at any time. After the inspection we adjust patient drug therapy, provide recommendations for physical activity and a diet that people lived better, and longer.

Olexander YEFREMOV.


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