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"Danish footballer William Kvist five days spent in our intensive care and he still sends thanks"

15.12.2019 | Number of views: 2815

Главный врач

Photo: Julia Chestnova / Capital

The chief doctor of the Republican clinical hospital Sergey Ledjaev about the prospects of medical tourism.

The development of medical tourism is a worldwide trend in recent years. But in Russia about making a profit at the expense of foreigners coming for treatment, thinking recently. In may of this year, according to the decree of the President, was developed by the Federal project "Development of export of medical services." The main task — by 2024, increase the amount of medical care to foreign guests four times compared to 2017 and receive an income of not less than $ 1 billion. The program includes 71 regions, including Mordovia. Who is ready for health in the Republic, recognized Olga Starostina.

While the market of medical tourism Russia loses and the volume and attractiveness of services. The share of the country accounted for less than 0.4 % of this market. In the international medical tourism index, it occupies the 34th place out of 41. This rating takes into account not only competence of doctors and the standards for the provision of services but also the attitude towards patients in General, the friendliness of the staff. Medicine in Russia, as you know, hospitality is no different, although positive trends in this direction in recent years there has been. Now the trump card of the Russian health resorts in the struggle with foreign competitors, the relatively low cost of services. In addition, experts say about a good professional level of the specialists, good infrastructure in a number of Federal centers and regional clinics.

In Mordovia the project is implemented on the basis of the Republican hospital, which today provides a number of exclusive high-tech types of medical care... "today we have one of the most modernx medical diagnostic bases not only throughout the region but of the entire Volga Federal district, — says the chief physician Sergei Radaev. — It allows to count on successful implementation of the project. Medical care in our country is structured in such a way that the income of hospitals and doctors in particular, depends on the number of patients. But if the treatment is a foreigner, is additional profit. In this regard, there is the possibility of increasing payroll. By the way, in the framework of the project "Development of export of medical services" provides additional material stimulation doctors who will provide specialized care..."

"C": it Turns out that the doctors now more profitable to treat foreigners?

— Not quite. Speech about change of volumes of rendering of medical aid to the local population is not. On the contrary, we are increasing them. But the hospital has additional features. Some of our specialists in the operating room for 12 hours. And that's fine. Such a schedule in all of major Federal medical centers. The doctors see that their work is appreciated, and ready to increase your work day. Besides, it leads to professional development.

S: What Mordovia is ready to offer to foreigners?

— A wide range of high-tech medical services. We have experience helping the citizens of other States. During the world Cup we asked for help about 70 foreign guests. For the most part it was the Americans.

S: What kind of help they needed?

Different. Primary surgical processing of a wound to major surgery. Few patients with severe injuries have passed through the intensive care unit. I want to say that we coped with dignity.

S: What happened to etthem foreigners in Saransk?

— This they need to ask... Just about one of our patient can tell you, as he got injured in the eyes of the world. Danish midfielder William Kvist was hospitalized right during the match against Peru with a bruised heart and broken ribs. Five days spent in intensive care. He still sends us thanks. Very friendly person. We fondly remember our communion with him.

On avoid difficulties in cooperation with foreign insurance companies?

— Had some difficulties. Some patients and insurance companies refused to pay for the services. We had to contact the embassies of these countries. To date, we are owed nothing. The main problem is that many residents of neighboring countries come to us without medical insurance. How to work with them, still unclear. But we have identified this gap in the legislation of the MoH. I think the problem will be solved.

"C": a New influx of foreigners in Mordovia have not been forthcoming. Where you will take medical tourists?

We can offer our services to the residents of Penza, Ulyanovsk and Nizhny Novgorod regions and the Chuvash Republic. The project allows it. Also in the Republic is increasing the number of foreign students. We employ many workers from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

S: You mentioned the Penza region. But many people in the country are going to be treated there...

— In Penza for 10 years, a Federal centre of cardiovascular surgery. It was built taking into account the entire PFO. There are working with complex patients in whom "home" could not help. This is normal. You need to understand that such centers on the level above us and such regional clinical hospitals. Cardiac surgery in Mordovia, despite the significant achievements inrecent years, is still very young. We can't risk the lives of patients. Therefore, some of our patients will leave. But it does not mean that our medicine is not competitive. There are many areas in which we are ahead of their neighbors. The conditions of accommodation of patients and quality of care we are not inferior to the Federal centers.

Главный врач

Photo: Julia Chestnova / Capital

"With": In the framework of the national project of the Russian hospital to 2024 needs to attract a total of about 1.2 million "tourists". Which indicator is set for Mordovia?

— It yet. We're just learning how attractive in terms of medical tourism. For the Republic it is called, "the first pancake"...

On doing so he doesn't go lumpy?

— Promotion of services is impossible without advertising. With it and started. Now the videos broadcast by radio stations, go to television. The information is provided in five languages — English, two Arabic, Tajik and Uzbek. Consider the possibility of issuing thematic brochures and placement of posters on billboards. Also for promotional purposes intend to use the Internet space. In addition, on the basis of our hospital about two weeks ago, opened a special call center. He's already taking calls from people in other regions. Now working with operators over the potential to the patient after the phone conversation, believed and came to us.

"C": employees of the centre speak the language? Or until there is no such need?

Operators speak English. In special cases we can involve volunteers from the pedagogical Institute. Cooperation was established with them during the world championship on football. If abonyNT will not be able to communicate in Russian or English, it will be asked to leave their contact details. Further communication will happen through an interpreter.

S: How much money was allocated to the project?

This year the regional budget allocated 5 million rubles how much money is planned for 2020, it is difficult to say. First you need to evaluate the results of this work.


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