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Today: 27.04.2024 г.

Took leave of a multidisciplinary team in the INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia "Temnikovskaya RB im. A. I. Rudanskogo"

07.06.2019 | Number of views: 2158

With the purpose of execution of instructions of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia G. A. Litvinoy and the Ministry of health of the Republic of Mordovia, took leave of a multidisciplinary work in the attached for the supervision INSTITUTION of the Republic of Mordovia "Temnikovskaya RB im. A. I. Rudanskogo".

The composition of multidisciplinary teams entered the main oncologist of MOH of the RM, Tereshin, S. N., Deputy chief physician for outpatient work GBUZ RM "Polyclinic №2" Krasnova E. V., Deputy chief physician of the clinical-expert and organizational-methodical work of GBUZ RM "MRCB" Burukina O. V., head of Department of cardiology No. 2 GBUZ RM "MRCB", the head of the priority project "to create a new model of medical organization providing primary health care" in the RM Yining I. S.

During the visit, a meeting was held with doctors of GBUZ RM "Temnikovskaya RB im. A. I. Rudanskogo", which discussed the organization of work of the primary link, routing of patients to provide high-tech and specialized medical care in MRCB.

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