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Today: 29.04.2024 г.

In Mordovia tightened isolation

19.04.2020 | Number of views: 2224


In the decree of the Head of Mordovia, corresponding amendments to the measures of isolation for arrivals from other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as for those with whom they live (the Decree is posted here

The products and commodities they can deliver or relatives/friends, or volunteers. Violators will be fined.

These measures caused a deterioration of the epidemiological situation and the high incidence of infections COVID-19 because of the non-citizens prescribed limits.

Significantly expanded the list of places allowed to visit people that are not in strict isolation. Citizens may attend medical, veterinary, credit and e-mail organization, court, attorney, attorney, law enforcement and military, to bring minor children in kindergartens and out of them. To deliver food, medicines and essential commodities to relatives, to assist them. Without limits is also carried out the move,the position of volunteers if you have a passport and badge.

The Moldovan government also instructed to work on the issue of the use of digital badges.

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