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In Mordovia the volunteer doctors and onf can arrange assistance at home for lonely elderly due to coronavirus

26.03.2020 | Number of views: 2200


Medical workers report that coronavirus infection is dangerous especially for the elderly over 65 years. People this category a lot of comorbidities cardio-pulmonary system. To avoid the disease, experts recommend the elderly to visit places of a mass congestion of people. However, to be completely isolated from society is almost impossible. It is necessary almost every day to buy food, medicines. And, then, to go out in crowded places — shops, shopping centers, pharmacies, etc., continually risking their health.

In Mordovia at the elderly come to the volunteer doctors and activists of the Russian popular front. Volunteers will assist elderly people living alone in the purchase of food, drugs, taking out the trash.

— At present in Mordovia is formed by the staff and is accepting applications for assistance to elderly and disabled citizens, — said the regional coordinator of the Volunteer doctors of the Republic of Mordovia Paul Zamyshlyaev. — In this regard, opened a "hot line" onf: 8 800 200 34 11. By calling this number, you can leave an application and our volunteers will come to your home and will provide you with the necessary assistance.

Simultaneously, the recruitment into the ranks of volunteers willing to help elderly and disabled citizens. A volunteer could be any person older than 18 years and having a flu shot. You can register on the website Volunteers of Russia.

However, the volunteer doctors remind about the main measures prevention of coronavirus infection, the main of which are: thorough hand washing, the use of medical masks, regular wet cleaning, ventilation, avoidance of contact with people with signs of SARS.

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