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A study follow-up supervision for children with perinatal pathology

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A study follow-up supervision for children with perinatal pathology started functioning since 14.01.2013. Located on the first floor of the Perinatal center of GBUZ RM "MRCB". In the study observed children with extremely low birth body weight (less than 1000g) and very low birthweight (less than 1500 g).

The staff of office is presented by the following experts:

Admission conducted by experts:

Oversees the work of office Deputy chief physician for pediatric care, the neonatologist of the highest category, Knyazeva Svetlana Vitalevna.

The main objective of cabineta follow-up monitoring of children with perinatal pathology is to reduce disability, control over the rehabilitation and habilitation of premature infants and their integration in society and carrying out activities for the proper and harmonious development.

The nursing of children with ELBW and VLBW is the most difficult biomedical problem.

Be drafting an individual programme for monitoring and rehabilitation drug and non-drug interventions according to nosological forms.

In the work of the office follow-up observations with the regulations is established jointly with the MOH of the RM and of the Mordovian state University of the so-called Road map for the monitoring of children with VLBW and ELBW, which presents in detail all the events of the three-phase system biharianIya preterm infants. This system gave excellent results (disability of children with VLBW and ELBW currently stands at 9 %).

A three-stage monitoring system for premature babies:

Stage 1 – resuscitation;

Stage 2 – separation of the second stage in the Department of pathology of newborn and premature babies where care for these children. After discharge from the second stage of nursing of the children are invited to the third stage.

Stage 3 – office follow-up observations. The purpose of the study is to promote systematic supervision (examination and treatment) for children with body weight at birth from 500g to 1500g with perinatal pathology of the CNS who underwent asphyxia, mechanical ventilation for various periods of time, with a periventricular leukomalacia, intraventricular hemorrhage varying degrees of retinopathy.

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

The main task of helping our children is pharmacological correction of abnormalities of successful nursing, the absence of disability but not least is a nonpharmaceutical treatment – improving the quality of life of the child (nutrition, music therapy, toddlers ' swimming, massage, walking). Approach to the child with love, tenderness and affection. Flawless execution of all assignments.

The birth of a premature baby is stressful for parents but if the child is still with very low and extremely low body weight, stress, doubly, such parents need not only quality treatment of their kids and material supportthe support, but also psychological help. And the knowledge that prematurity is not a sentence that a huge number of premature infants has increased not only healthy, but also outstanding people, very important!

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

In the structure of the Cabinet are:

In the offices of functional diagnostics and laboratory:

  1. clinical analyses of blood, urine;
  3. PAG
  4. Electroencephalography

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

Opening hours of the office:

Daily from 8.00 to 15.48

Weekend: Saturday and Sunday.

The reception is outpatient by appointment phone: 76-07-35

When handling to office follow-up you should have: birth certificate of child, social security number, medical insurance pole, diaper.

When contacting the office of catamnesis:

1. Familiarity with the discharge of the child;

2. Provides psychological assistance for parents;

3. Torregiani calculated the age of the child;

4. Conducted anthropometry (weight, height, head circumference, chest circumference);

5. Officials calculated the indexes of physical development determined by physical development, provodedI the examination of the child pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, assessment of somatic and psychological development. Assigned to medical therapy of primary and concomitant diseases. Also assigned non-pharmacological correction. The card is fixed in the follow-up observations.

6. All the conclusions of the doctors transferred to medical records (f–112).

7. Contact is maintained with parents by phone

(76-07-35) on areas of the RM, Saransk, and other cities.

8. Work with the crisis center, identified and referred children from the group SOC. risk.

9. A close relationship with the charity Fund of mercy and health to provide financial assistance to needy families.

10. Annually on 17 November, held festivals dedicated to the International day of preterm infants under the motto: "I live!", "My family and I," "Day of the white lobe". TV broadcasts and interviews, publications in the press, charity concerts, a variety of events.

Importantly, the goal of all these events, one informing the public about the dangers and consequences of premature birth, as well as about prevention and the need to maintain full term pregnancy. Thus, on the basis of the study in the study the follow-up observations, we can conclude that the number of children with neurological disorders is proportional to the degree of prematurity. The smaller the gestational age, the harder neurological pathology, the more time and effort is required for rehabilitation. Note, however, that in any child there is a vast potential that can be developed, thus giving him unlimited opportunities in life.

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

enter;">Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

Our children: what was, what became. Caught up with chronological age.

Birth weight - 948 g.

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

In 3 years corresponds to paspartou age.

3 year and 3 months, he composed his first poems

Sitting on the grass frog
As the green cushion
She croaks in the pond
And dives on the go

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

Birth weight is 1450 grams.

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

In 3 years corresponds to paspartou age.

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

Weight at birth - 600 gr.

style="max-width: 100%; margin: 5px;width:550px;" src="assets/images/6546524 (13).jpg" alt="Cabinet of the follow-up monitoring of children with perinatal pathology" />

Age 2 years.

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

Birth weight is 750 g.

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

In 3 years corresponds to paspartou age.

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

Weight at birth - 976 gr.

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

In 3 years corresponds to paspartou age.

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

Let's get the study of the catamnesis!

Кабинет катамнестического наблюдения за  детьми с перинатальной патологией

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